Serving God in the same manner as those in the first century. Simply Christians -- no creed, no governing board, no voting to determine what we believe. Using only God's Word as our guide and authority for all we do.
Welcome to Old Town
February 2025
- Wed PM Bible Study
2/12/25 07:00pm - Sun AM Bible Study
2/16/25 09:30am - Sun AM Worship
2/16/25 10:30am - Wed PM Bible Study
2/19/25 07:00pm - Sun AM Bible Study
2/23/25 09:30am - Full Calendar
The members of the Old Town Church of Christ would like to welcome you to our worship services and bible study. We are a group of about 50 Christians who love to worship and glorify our Creator and Father in heaven. We believe the word of God is the inspired message that guides us in our daily walk on this earth, and teaches us how to please our God during our short journey in this life. We know that life is short, and we must take every moment to harmonize our life with the pattern given to us in His holy word. It is critical to teach and edify one another and to teach our children the biblical truths found in His word. We know that we are in a spiritual battle and it is critically important to plant the seed in the precious minds of our little ones. If we don't teach them the word of God with urgency, the world will try to take them far away from God. Please join us daily by praying and studying God's word in the family home and together with the Christians in Old Town.
Our Mission
We invite you to worship with us anytime you are in our area. If you live in the Old Town area, we would like to study God's Word with you, or answer any question you may have about the Bible. We believe the Bible is the ONLY source we have to guide us in reaching our Creator, the One True and Living God! The Apostle Paul told Timothy, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV) We are priviledged to live in a country where the Bible is readily available to everybody, and believe that there is no other creed or committee decision needed to instruct us how to worship the Almighty God. Everybody will stand before God in judgement, so it only makes sense that we use His Written Word to instruct us how to live and be prepared for that day!